Thursday, October 10, 2013

Horse Paintings Ginette wins blue ribbon for Stallion in Poppy Field

Won Blue ribbon for Stallion in Poppy Field Painting

Available as Art print click image to purchase from our Imagekind Galleries

White Horse in poppy Field Painting

Sunday, May 12, 2013

We must Ag-gag Bills. Tennessee Lawmakers support abuse of animals. Don't want exposure of abuse !

Tennessee Lawmaker Compares Factory Farm Investigations to Rape

by Will Potter on April 26, 2013

In Tennessee, a sweeping “ag-gag” bill is about to become law.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Help to Stop Horse Slaughter

The Roar Foundation and Shambala Preserve
Please help to defeat this bill

Action Alert

Calls needed immediately to defeat HB1999, a bill that would make it legal to slaughter horses in the US and sell their meat. It is critical to defeat this bill which is now in committee and expected up for a vote by Tuesday.

When you call the committee members be polite, brief, professional and always mention the bill number HB1999 (HB stands for House Bill).

10 minutes of your time will make all the difference in the world!

Call each person below and ask them to oppose HB1999.
David Derby, chair- 405-557-7377
Glen Mulready, vice chair - 405-557-7340
Jeanne McDaniel - 405-557-7334
John Enns - 405-557-7321
Mike Shelton - 405-557-7367
Arthur Hulbert - 405-557-7310
Jon Echols - 405-557-7354
Randy Grau - 405-557-7360
Rebecca Hamilton - 405-557-7397
Mike Ritze - 405-557-7338

Click this link for a version of the bill if you want to read it.


Many thanks to our friends at Kaufman Zoning. Click to learn more.

Thank you!